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Trading Standards Checked Guidance to Support Kent Traders

With the UK still recovering from the pandemic, ballooning energy costs, higher taxes, Brexit uncertainties and supply chain issues, it is a very challenging time for Kent businesses. Turbulent economic waters remain ahead and as traders look to navigate through them, clarity around the many laws, rights and obligations that you need to adhere to is crucial. 

A web of consumer laws exist – think contracts, complaints and cancellations – and the penalties for getting it wrong can be severe. 

The surge in scams over the last few years has meant that more customers are classed as vulnerable than ever before, and businesses need to be aware of their duties towards them. 

It’s vital that traders understand the issues that affect their businesses. And with consumer confidence being at a low point, firms need to do all they can to build trust from the people they deal with.  

Kent County Council’s Trading Standards Checked scheme has been set up to help ease the burden on local firms in the home maintenance sector and give Kent residents peace of mind. In a bid to re-build consumer confidence in Kent they have launched the Raising the Standard website – offering a fantastic business support training package for businesses in Kent which includes a range of invaluable podcasts, videos, checklists and educational e-learning modules that only take 10 minutes to complete and allow traders to test their knowledge. The resource provides guidance on best practice, customer complaints, easy-to-digest information about consumer rights law, and tips on how to deal with customers’ concerns about Covid-19.  This project is financed by the EU Interreg Channel programme.

Raising the Standard also has important information for traders about how they can help safeguard Kent’s most vulnerable residents, with useful contact details and resources that can help make Kent a better place to live and work for everybody. 

The only Kent scheme which is vetted by experts in Trading Standards and consumer protection law, Trading Standards Checked provides reassurance that its members can be trusted. With more than 200 checked and vetted traders listed on its online portal, including plumbers, builders, painter-decorators, locksmiths and pest-control experts, when consumers choose a Trading Standards Checked scheme member, they know the work will be of the highest standard. 

Trading Standards Checked members are required to demonstrate their commitment to best practice, not only when it comes to carrying out work, but when it comes to things like dealing with complaints and cancellations. When a customer does business with a Trading Standards Checked trader, they can be confident that they are who they say they are – and they know where to reach them if something goes wrong. With Trading Standards Checked accreditation, Kent traders can set their business apart from their competition. 

Traders can apply online and take advantage of a £99 + VAT special offer on the annual Trading Standards Checked membership fee, a saving of 75%. It’s simple and hassle free. 

Kent County Council’s Adam Mortimer, who oversees the Trading Standards Checked scheme, said: 

“It has never been more important that Kent residents are able to find trustworthy traders who will carry out work honestly, safely and according to the rules. 

“The scheme helps consumers by giving them peace of mind when looking for a trader, and it gives traders a boost by putting them among an elite group of legitimate and trustworthy local businesses. We all have a part to play in stamping out rogue traders – and Trading Standards Checked is an important weapon in that battle.” 

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