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How To Make The Most Of Halloween On A School Night

Kids love Halloween, the dressing up, the spooky games, the sweet treats, it’s a whole bundle of excitement. This year though, Halloween falls on a school night, on a Monday no less. So the chances are, you want the kids to get a good night’s sleep, despite the spooky celebrations, so that they’re at their best for the first week back after half term.

Here are a few tips on how to make the most of Halloween on a school night.

Plan your parties for the weekend

Parties are a much loved part of Halloween. They’re a great way for kids to show off their costumes, and have fun playing unusual games, surrounded by scary decorations.

But the last thing you want your child to do is go to a party on a Monday night, because we all know that parties mean late night sugary snacks, which leads to bedtime being thrown out of the window.

That’s not to say though that parties should be a complete no-go. If you plan to host or attend parties that are planned for the weekend, your child or children can still get their fix of Halloween fun, and catch up on rest and homework by the time the school week starts.

Plan for a quick dinner

Slaving away over a stove is the last thing you want to be doing when your children are excited to start the Halloween celebrations – you want to be getting excited with them!

Planning for a quick meal leaves more time for festive activities – activities that you can join your children in having fun with.

Even if a quick meal isn’t the most nutritious, consider it a special treat, in order to make more time for festive fun an family bonding.

Let the kids know what to expect

Children have expectations of late nights and buckets full of sweets when it comes to Halloween. So to avoid any tantrums on the night, let them know in advance that because it’s a school night, it might not be the most wild of Halloweens.

Tell them why, and compromise by allowing all the celebrations they could hope for at the weekend. This way, when it gets to Halloween, your kids will know what to expect, and it will be much easier to keep bedtime at a reasonable time!

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