KENT Lifestyle > Things To Do

New Year’s Celebrations In Kent

If you want to welcome in the New Year in style, check out some of the New Year celebrations across Kent.

Family Funfair

When: 31st December 2017, 7:30pm-12:30am

Where: Margate Winter Gardens 

If you’re looking to spend New Year’s Eve as a family, where better to do so than at a funfair? At Margate Winter Gardens there’ll be rides, balloons, games, and of course classic fairground refreshments like candy floss.

New Year’s Day Swim

When: 1st January 2017, 11:30am

Where: Neptune’s Hall, Viking Bay, Broadstairs

There’s a chilly New Year’s tradition in Broadstairs of a swim in the sea on New Year’s Day. It sounds horrific, I know, but it’s actually a fun event with lots of laughter, and it’s a great place to make friends.

It’ll definitely be cold, but you might just feel refreshed afterwards. And there’ll be plenty of drinks, and curry to go round in the Neptune’s Hall to warm you up after the dip. Plus, it’s all in aid of charity, and all money raised will go to the Children’s Liver Disease Foundation.

Free Fireworks In Deal

When: 31st December 2017, Midnight

Where: Deal Seafront

Fireworks are a classic way to celebrate the New Year, and Deal’s firework display isn’t going to disappoint. It will run for twenty minutes once the clock strikes midnight, and will fill the sky above the seafront with colour, crackles and bangs. What more could you want for a free night out?

New Year's Fireworks

Hug-Many In Tunbridge Wells

When: 31st December 2017, 7pm

Where: The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells

Hug-Many is a family friendly event that happens every New Year’s Eve in the Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells. The event will raise money for The Pickering Cancer Drop-in Centre and will be a night to remember. There’ll be music, entertainment, refreshments, and fireworks to welcome in the New Year.

The Ferry House Inn New Year’s Party

When: 31st December, 6:30pm

Where: The Ferry House Inn, Leysdown-on-Sea

Dance the night away at The Ferry House Inn, there’ll be a disco all night long, food, and fireworks to end the evening. And all the family is welcome, so you don’t need to worry about finding a babysitter last minute.

New Year's Disco

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